With this being the 75th Anniversary of the ISOB the council have decided to host our AGM in Norwich Cathedral on the weekend of the 18th March 2022. As such the council have also taken the decision to subsidise the weekend so the price will be limited to £50 per head for the weekend.
We will be staying at the 4* Maids Head Hotel situated in the centre of Norwich and a short walk to the Cathedral.
Our itinerary has yet to be finalised but will include Donald McKenzie playing a selection of light film classics before accompanying a Busker Keaton film on the Friday evening showing the versatility of the Cathedral organ. On the Saturday the Assistant Cathedral organist George Inscoe will demonstrate the organ and there will be a chance to have a look around the instrument.
Our AGM will follow this. On the Saturday evening our meal will be followed by John Norman giving us a talk on the cathedral instrument.
Invitations to our members have already been sent out, we are expecting this to be a very busy meeting and spaces will be limited to a quick response to your invitation would be appreciated.